Top 5 Reasons To Avoid Overconsumption Of Mayonnaise

By Yash Lakhan

January 22, 2024

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Mayonnaise is a sauce that is used in multiple food preparations while also being used as a dip or spread. It is used all over the world but it is best consumed moderately, as it may not be a healthy option, although it is commonly consumed on such a large scale.

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What Is Mayonnaise?

Commonly referred to as "mayo," mayonnaise is a thick, creamy, and cold sauce that you will find in sandwiches, burgers, salads, and more. It is made using oil, egg yolks, vinegar, seasonings, and lemon juice.

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Why You Shouldn't Consume Mayonnaise In Excess?

High-Calorie Food

Mayonnaise is loaded with calories and you must limit its consumption and not go overboard.

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Preservatives And Additives

Many store-bought mayonnaises are loaded with preservatives and additives. It is advised to make your mayo at home and consume it as soon as possible.

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The ingredient used to make mayo can trigger allergies in some people. Therefore, read the label before consuming.

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Unhealthy Fats

Mayonnaise contains saturated and trans fats due to the use of vegetable oil in its preparation. So, consume in moderation.

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Potential Raw Egg Concerns

The use of raw eggs in mayo can cause foodborne illnesses because of potential contamination with salmonella.

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