Tips To Store Lemons So They Stay Fresh Longer

By Vidushi Singh

Nothing compares to the flavour of a fresh lemon. The kitchen is brightened by its brilliance, and nicely pairs with the toppings.

Use Drawer Section

Use drawers to store lemons in the fridge as opening the air vents results in more airflow, creating a low-humidity environment.

Store In Water

Lemons could be kept juicy and fresh for up to four weeks by placing them in a zip-top bag with 1/4 cup of water.

Don't Store In Plastic

To stop your lemons from becoming dry and hard. Yet, moisture can be trapped by plastic bags, hastening the deterioration of the lemons.

Keep Away From Fruits

Lemons are also ethylene-sensitive. They should never be kept next to fruits that generate ethylene, such as apricots, apples, bananas, etc.

Freeze Your Lemons

Just pour the juice into ice cube trays, let them freeze, then remove and place in a covered container to keep.

Use Sealed Containers

Lemon wedges and slices should be kept in a sealed container and used within a week if you want to store them.