Tips To Reduce Excess Salt In Curries 

By Sushmita Sengupta

Picture this. You have followed the chicken recipe to the T and while adding salt you went overboard. Fret not, here’s how you can still salvage it. 

Raw Potato

Cut a few slices, add them to the curry, the starch will soak the salt. Cook it well with the curry until soft. 

Fresh Cream

The neutral taste of fresh cream also helps off-set the saltiness of the curry, just add a few tablespoons and see the difference. 


If finding cream is a problem, then you can very well manage with curd. Add a little portion to your curry, mix it well let it cook and see the magic. 

Atta Balls

Yes, it is the age-old remedy and yes, it works. Just take some kneaded wheat dough, pull out a small ball and dunk in your gravy, pull out two if the salt is more. 

Vinegar And Sugar

Just add one tablespoon of sugar(sweet) along with a tablespoon of vinegar(sour) to the dish to balance out the excess salt. Simple.