Tips To Make Soft And Tender Koftas

By Aanchal Mathur

Koftas are one of the richest and most exquisite dishes in Indian cuisine. First introduced by the Mughals, today koftas are an intrinsic part of our feast.

The have been incorporated into many dishes so much that you'll now find a vibrant variety of kofta recipes to try out. Here’s how to perfect them at home 

Use breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs help in binding all the ingredients together and can prevent your koftas from breaking down into pieces while frying. 

Keep the mixture thick

The consistency of the mixture plays a key role in ensuring that your koftas turn out to be soft. The mixture should always be thick and dense. 

Stuff them with paneer

in case of veg koftas, stuff them with a mixture of paneer. It not only adds softness to the koftas but also gives them a creamier taste. 

Don't overfry them

Whether you decide to pan-fry or deep-fry them, don't do so for too long as this can dry them out and you wouldn't end up with soft koftas.