Tips To Make Perfect Pizza Base At Home

By Aanchal Mathur

While making pizza at home, we get our pizza bases from the market, but did you know you can make pizza base at home?! Here are simple tip to ace a pizza base at home. 

Knead On A Well-Floured Surface

A well-floured surface is essential when kneading. You won't have to worry about your dough sticking to your bench or your hands.

Use sugar with yeast

Adding sugar gives the yeast something to eat and speeds up the process. Whisk sugar and yeast in a bowl of warm water with a spoon. Cover the bowl and set aside for  5 minutes. 

Rest your dough

This rest period is an important part of the pizza-making process because it allows the gluten to relax over time.

Evenly stretch the dough

Stretch the dough evenly with your hands, starting from the outside. Extending from the centre will result in a too-tiny stretch, and your dough will be too thin.  

Choose the right flour

The main component of pizza dough is flour, and the kind you use can greatly affect the outcome.  A type 00 flour, the finest milled grade of flour, is advised for a better dough texture.