Tips To Make Perfect Gulab Jamun At Home

By Nikita Toppo

Planning to make gulab jamun at home? Master with these tips. 

Frying Temperature

While frying always keep a check on the temperature of ghee, it should be low to medium at first then increase it gradually as the colour changes.


Make sure there are no cracks in the gulab jamun while shaping. Even a little crack can break them into pieces while frying.

Get The Dough Right

The dough of gulab jamun should not be too dry or too sticky and also without any lumps.

Corn Flour Is The Key

Add a pinch of corn flour or baking powder while kneading the dough to get the desired result.

Sugar Syrup

Preparing sugar syrup takes time, therefore do not rush and keep an eye on it while making so that it doesn’t thicken.