Tips To Make Perfect Biryani

By Saumya Singh

Biryani is love, and there is no second thought to it. However, it takes patience and practice to get the perfect Biryani. Here are some tips to get this wholesome one-pot meal right!

Always make sure to take an equal proportion of meat and rice to save yourself from the meatless rice stage.

If you are making Awadhi Biryani or Sindhi Biryani, make sure to use Basmati rice for the long-grain cooked Biryani rice.

Measuring the correct amount of salt is always a catch when cooking Biryani. Your water in which Biryani rice will be boiled should have a soupy level of salt.

Use a wide and thick-bottomed pot for Biryani. You can also put a rice pot on the tawa if your skillet has a thin base to save rice from burning in the bottom layerf salt.

The 2 Kani-rice technique is ideal to check if your rice is cooked 70 per cent. Take a grain and press it between your finger and thumb. If you only get two pieces, you are good to go. The rest of the cooking takes place in the Biryani pot.

As the pot gets heated the moisture from the gravy rises and forms steam which needs to be trapped. This is the 'Dum' technique. Encircle the neck and the lid with dough on the edges sealing them together.