Tips To Make Healthy Summer Detox Water

By Risha Ganguly

It is important to keep yourself hydrated in the hot summer months. And the best way to that is increase you water consumption. Here are tips to make detox water that will keep you healthy.

Tip 1

Use reusable glass jars or bottles only for making detox water. Do not use plastic bottles.

Tip 2

Only use very fresh ingredients to make detox water, or it will go bad soon.

Tip 3

Add chia seeds or flax seeds to the water if you want to get fibre in your system.

Tip 4

Do not consume detox water that is older than 4-6 hours. It goes stale.

Tip 5

Cucumber, lemon slices and mint leaves are detox water essentials. Use these fresh veggies to make it.