Tips To Make Better Pizza At Home

By Nikita Toppo

Making pizza at home? Follow these tips to master it.

Don’t Use Cold Dough

It is important to remove the dough from the fridge a half an hour before cooking as this will ensure proper stretching of pizza while shaping it.

Be Careful With Tomato Sauce

Add just a thin layer of tomato sauce to your pizza to prevent the crust from getting soggy.

Precook Your Toppings

Most veggies are not going to get soft and tender with only a few minutes into the oven, therefore it is important to sauté the greens beforehand.

Olive Oil

Brushing the crust with olive oil right before it goes into the oven and right after it comes out gives it a great colour, crunch and flavour.

Use A Baking Steel

A heavy baking stone can release a lot of heat energy into the pizza as it bakes thus, making it crisper.