Best Tips To Use Your Microwave  

By Deepali Verma

Modern kitchen technologies, like the microwave, make cooking easier. If you frequently use a microwave, it's important to be aware of all the risks and how to avoid them. 

Use It Right 

The user manual's instructions include suggested operating methods and safety measures. 

Use Microwave-Safe Items 

Incompatible containers can result in undercooking and uneven cooking, and they can even catch fire and harm the microwave. 

Avoid Overheating Water 

Do not microwave super heated water. Water is "super-heated" when it is heated over its boiling point without beginning to boil. 

Check For Leakage 

Regularly check your microwave for leaks of any kind. Keep an eye out for any strange gas eruptions or microwave odours. 

Don't Use If It Works With Door Open 

To stop radiation from escaping, microwaves are made to operate with their doors closed.