Tilkut: Celebratory Bihari Dessert

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

October 13th, 2023

Image Credit: vaya.in

The Indian states of Bihar and Jharkhand are popular for the tilkut sweet, where it is also known as tilkatri. Til or sesame seeds are pounded with sugar or jaggery into a disc-like shape to make tilkut. The tilkuts may be circular, oval, cylindrical, or even cuboid in shape. It is a traditional dessert primarily made during Makar Sankranti. Here's the recipe for Tilkut.

Image Credit: chefreetuudaykugaji.com


3 cups of sesame seeds 2 cups of jaggery 2 tbsp clarified butter (ghee) 1/2 cup water

Image Credit: bitesofjoy.in

Step 1

Heat oil and add the sesame seeds. Stir constantly till they turn a little brown. Transfer them to a bowl. Once cooled completely, grind the seeds to form a coarse powder.

Image Credit: TimesNowHindi.com

Step 2

Boil water and add jaggery. When the jaggery is completely dissolved, strain through a mesh and discard residual impurities. Return the syrup back to the pan and continue stirring on low heat till a thick paste is formed.

Image Credit: Chezshuchi.com

Step 3

Mix the syrup with ground sesame seeds. Transfer the seed-jaggery mixture to a plate and use your hands, preferably with a dab of ghee, and make them into the desired shape. Your Tilkut is ready.

Image Credit: Geeta Cuisine On Google