By Vidushi Singh
Despite its unattractive appearance, a fruit is packed with vital nutrients. Known as the bilwa in Hindi, the bael fruit. It is a fruit that grows on the bael tree and is tasty and fragrant.
1. Management Of Bacteria-Induced Diarrhea And Cholera
Bael is have anti-bacterial, anti-fungal properties. Its magical juice may control gastric ulcers caused due to the imbalance of mucosa and oxidative stress.
Bael juice aids in lowering cholesterol It is a fruit that protects the heart and is high in antioxidants, which lowers the risk of heart disease.
Feronia gum, is found in the bark and branches of bael, aids in the production of insulin, regulating blood sugar levels.
As it has anti inflammatory properties Excellent remedy for skin infections. It can also be beneficial for skin rash and itchy bumps.
It is a blood cleanser aa its mineral-rich, which aids in the body's removal of all pollutants. It functions as a natural detoxifier.
Bael is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants that help control symptoms of scurvy. It is a good source of vitamins and cures this disease.
Antioxidants included in bael fruit extract have the capacity to scavenge free radicals, might help lower the risk of cancer.