This Homemade Strawberry Jam Can Sort Your Breakfast Woes

By Aanchal Mathur

This super easy, pectin and preservatives-free strawberry jam recipe, comes in handy for a quick breakfast or brunch.  

All you need to do is chop the strawberries and cook them in a pan with sugar, stirring intermittently.


500 gms strawberries 300 gms sugar   1 tbsp lemon juice (optional) 

Step 1

Rinse the strawberries in a strainer a few times. Drain all the water and let them dry. 

Step 2

Remove the green stems and leaves from the strawberries. Chop them and set aside for a while.

Step 3

In a saucepan take the chopped strawberries. Add sugar and lemon juice. Mix well and keep the pan on low to medium-low heat. 

Step 4

The strawberries will leave their juices and begin to cook. Stir at intervals till the strawberries soften and are cooked. 

Step 5

Reduce the heat to low and continue to simmer till the jam mixture starts reducing. Keep on stirring often even when the jam mixture is reducing. 

Step 6

When the mixture starts to leave the sides of the pan, it means the jam has reached its setting point.

Step 7

Keep the jam bottle in the fridge. Enjoy the strawberry jam as you like.