This Holi Make Perfect Dahi Bhalla Use These Tips 

By Deepali Verma

Whether you call it doi bora, doi vada, or dahi bhalla, the dish is scrumptious, warm, and spicy. We offer you a few easy tricks so you can prepare the perfect holi snack like an expert. 

Don't over-soak  

Soaking the lentils too long is one of the most typical errors people make. Because of this, the vada batter is overly soft and challenging to shape. 

Avoid adding too much  water

The batter for the vada (or bhalla) can become overly liquid and challenging to shape if too much water is added. 

Salt matters 

In the vada batter, salt is an essential component. It contributes to improving the vada's taste and consistency. 

Oil temperature 

In order to properly fry the vadas, the oil must be heated to the proper temperature. The vadas get sticky and heavy when there is too much oil in them. 

Avoid overcrowding the pan 

Make sure there is sufficient space between the vadas in the pan as you fry them in tiny batches.