Thinking Weight Loss? Try These Smoothies

By Risha Ganguly

Weight loss can be a tiring journey. But you can make it fun with interesting diet plans. Try these delicious smoothies in your weight loss journey and have fun!

Strawberry and Banana Smoothie

Strawberries are a rich source of vitamin C while bananas are packed with potassium. Together, they make one of the healthiest pre-workout smoothies ever!

Kale Smoothie

Kale is very low in calories and when made into a smoothie with cucumber, lemon and other leafy greens, it makes the best drink to have with your eggs in breakfast.

Raspberry Smoothie

A raspberry smoothie is as delicious as it is healthy. The best post-workout drink, a glass of raspberry smoothie with protein powder will do wonders for your muscles.

Coconut Smoothie

Coconut is filled with dietary fibres and good fat. Adding cashew nuts to the already healthy smoothie makes it so filling that it can easily become an entire meal in itself.

Orange and Ginger Smoothie

Another fruit rich in Vitamin C, oranges are low calorie healthy fruits. Ginger is known for boosting immunity and cutting body fat. This delicious smoothie is very nutritious.

Dark Chocolate Smoothie

Having effects like controlling appetite and improving insulin sensitivity, dark chocolate smoothie with a little honey will make your path to weight loss tasty and fun.