Things Only Dark Rum Lovers Can Understand
Tanisha Salwan
Winter is your favorite season because...
Winter is the season for enjoying a hot cup of coffee, tea and most favourite hot chocolate.
It is your best friend during your worst breakup
Breakups are hard and we know it. But what can comfort your soul in hard time is the warm embrace of dark rum.
Not even beer can compete with this rum
If you are an Old Monk lover, you know that beer is nowhere in the competition with this rum. Beers are for casual evenings like when friends catch up over conversation.
It is a cure for the worst of colds and is an antiseptic
Fans love this rum not just because of its soothing feeling but also because of its medicinal properties. Yes, you read that right. Whenever you catch a common cold, try a few pegs of Old Monk, and you are done.
Old Monk is nothing but a legend
Old Monk is your one stop problem solver. Whenever you need peace and calmness, you can have the best combination of Old Monk with coke and say bye to your problems at least temporarily.