These Foods Aren’t Really Italian, Say What? 

By Jasmine Kaur

While most of us think of pasta and pizza when it comes to Italian cuisine, there are mounds of dishes that are considered from Italy but in reality, are not. 

Marinara Sauce 

The thick and tangy tomato-based sauce is nowhere close to how Italians prepare their condiments. In fact, they focus on lighter sauces with herbs, olive oil etc. This is largely an Italian-American condiment. 

Garlic Bread

Don’t be amazed when we begin to tell you that garlic bread has no ounce of Italian touch to it because it is American. The closest the Italians have gotten to this is with the bruschetta. 

Spaghetti With Meatballs 

This is a largely American creation, where huge meatballs are topped on a bowl of spaghetti and are drenched in thick red sauce. In Italy, meatballs are traditionally served as appetizers. 

Italian Dressing 

Have you seen people drizzling a tangy dressing on their salads and calling it Italian? Well, locals rarely add dressings and when they do, it is usually olive oil alone. 

Mozzarella Sticks 

Although mozzarella cheese comes from the southern part of Italy, this is not even an inch more relation between these cheesy, fried sticks and Italian food. It is a French creation.

Pepperoni Pizza 

It is believed that when Italian immigrants travelled to America, their pepperoni was mistaken for flesh. However, in Italy, pepperoni pizza continues to mean one topped with bell peppers.