These 6 Tips Will Help You Store Wine Well 

By Deepali Verma

May 3, 2024

Having a wine collection that reflects your own interests is a wonderful part of being an expert wine lover. But picking out and purchasing wines is just half the battle; storing them is the other half. Wine has the potential to age gracefully for hundreds of years, if not millennia, increasing in both quality and value. Any wine, no matter how good, may go bad if not stored properly. 

Proper Temperature 

Keep wine between 45°F to 65°F (7°C to 18°C) to preserve its quality, avoiding extreme heat or cold which can spoil the taste. 

Horizontal Storage 

Lay bottles on their sides to keep the cork moist, preventing it from drying out and allowing oxygen to seep in, which can ruin the wine. 

Light and Vibration Protection 

Shield wine from direct sunlight and minimize vibrations, as both can accelerate chemical reactions in the wine, leading to premature aging or spoilage. 

Humidity Control 

Maintain humidity levels around 60-70% to prevent corks from drying out and wine from oxidizing, ensuring the wine's quality and longevity. 

Wine Fridge 

Invest in a wine fridge with consistent temperature and humidity control, as regular refrigerators often have low humidity levels and fluctuating temperatures, which can harm wine. 

Properly Store Open Bottles 

Open bottles of wine have a shelf life of three to five days if stored correctly. Returning an open bottle of wine to its original condition after corking is as simple as doing it quickly and firmly. Put a piece of wax paper around the cork and then slide it back into place to recork wine. Wax helps the cork slide into the top and keeps it from falling into the bottle.