By Ujjainee Roy
November 8th, 2023
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Can you call yourself a coffee nerd if you don't know about the priciest coffee vairities in the world? Did you know the most expensive coffee comes with an unbelievably hefty price tag and involves an animal? Find out more about the world's most expensive coffees in this list
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Widely as one of the most luxurious coffees, this is produced in Indonesia. It is made from ripe coffee beans which are partially digested by Asian palm civets fermented by its digestive enzymes.
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This Thai coffee has a unique production process, where Thai Arabica beans are fed to elephants, and the coffee beans are actually collected from their droppings
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Produced from green-tipped Bourbon Arabica, this coffee is wet processed and has notes of black cherry and chocolate
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Harvested from the Esmeralda Jaramillo farm in western Panama this coffee is developed from the Ethiopian Geisha cultivar and is famed for its lush but delicate floral notes
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El Injerto is named after a native South American fruit and is grown in a family-run farm. Only the coffee grown in the mineral-rich terroir of this region can be referred to as Finca El Injerto
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Noted for its complex taste and lack of bitterness, this coffee is grown hillside. Its beans are hand-picked since growing this coffee is quite difficult
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Famed for its robust flavours, Molokai is grown in Maui County, Hawaii and can only be grown in the upper slopes of the mountains of Molokai to uphold the quality
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