Teacher's Day 2023: 10 Tiffin Foods That Remind You Of School

By Risha Ganguly

September 4, 2023

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Teachers day is here and a lot of us sit and remember our happy school days. This year, let us look at 10 tiffin dishes that will remind you of nostalgic school days.

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Bread Pakora

A very popular tiffin dish, this deep-fried snack is nostalgic to its core.

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Cold maggi, that took the shape of the tiffin, used to be our favourite lunch.

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Bread Pizza

Quickly made, bread pizza was a tasty, spicy and convenient dish to carry in lunch box.

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Cheeni Paratha

Made with sugar stuffing, this used to be a sweet treat in the tiffin boxes.

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Bread Poha

Poha made with bread - a dish that was tangy, spicy, delicious all at once!

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Butter Toast

There was nothing better than butter toast in tiffin boxes - sweet ones made with sugar and savoury with pepper. 

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Masala Idli

Tawa fried masala idli used to be one of those fun tiffin dishes that everyone enjoyed.

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Paratha paired with achaar or ketchup used to be a tiffin staple as kids.

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Eggy Bread

Bread omelette or eggy bread used to be a kiddie favourite back in the day.

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Jam Sandwich

Another simple and quick dish to make was the jam sandwich. It used to be a regular tiffin dish.

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