Summer Drink: Make Sugarcane Juice At Home 

By Deepali Verma

Summertime is the perfect time to sip a glass of chilled sugarcane juice. The finest feature is that there are many vendors selling this icy mixture around. Did you know that sugarcane juice may be made in the comfort of your own home? 

Step 1 

Clean the sugarcanes thoroughly, then use a sharp knife to remove the cane's tough outer shell. 

Step 2 

Blend with a piece of ginger after being chopped into small pieces. Repeat the mixing procedure after adding some water. Check that the sugarcane is completely ground. 

Step 3 

In a big container, combine the juice and sugarcane extract. A strainer or muslin cloth should be placed on a different container that you choose.  

Step 4

To remove the juice from the extract, press it through a filter or cloth.  Re-strain the juice as some extract can still be present. 

Add some lemon juice, a dash of black salt, and ice cubes before serving cold. 

Step 5