Suffering From Migraine? 8 Foods To Relax You 

By Tanisha Salwan

July 12, 2023


As per experts, bananas are great for quick energy recovery. They are rich in magnesium and can prevent headache.

Seeds And Nuts

Flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds etc. are rich in magnesium and can help with migraine.


Coffee contains caffeine and as per some experts, it can prevent migraine to some extent.


Chocolate is a good source of magnesium and can help you get rid of the migraine pain.


Mushrooms are rich in riboflavin (also known as B2) which can help with migraine. 


Known for its high-water content, watermelon can prevent dehydration which may lead to migraine.


Berries are rich in antioxidants. Thus, berries can help in migraine is some cases.


Dehydration could be a cause of migraine. Yogurt keeps the body hydrated and also improved gut health.