Struggling To Set Curd At Home? 6 Hacks That Can Help

By Ujjainee Roy

September 27, 2024

Making curd at home is a rewarding and simple process that allows you to enjoy fresh, creamy yogurt tailored to your taste. Curd, a staple in many cuisines, is not only delicious but also packed with health benefits, including probiotics that aid digestion. If you’ve struggled with setting curd or want to improve your technique, here are six helpful hacks to achieve the perfect consistency and flavor every time.

Choose the right milk

Use full-fat or whole milk for creamier curd. If you prefer a thicker texture, consider using milk that has been boiled and cooled to around 110°F (43°C) before adding the starter culture.

Use the right starter

Select a small amount of fresh, high-quality yogurt as your starter. Ensure it contains live cultures, as this is essential for fermentation. A tablespoon is usually enough for a liter of milk.

Maintain the right temperature

Curd requires a warm environment to set properly. Aim for a temperature between 100°F and 110°F (37°C to 43°C). You can create a warm spot by placing the container in an oven with the light on or wrapping it in a towel.

Add the sweetener

– A teaspoon of sugar or honey can encourage the fermentation process and enhance the flavor of the curd. Just mix it into the milk before adding the starter. – 

Cover properly

Cover the container with a lid or a cloth to maintain warmth and prevent contamination. This also keeps out dust and bacteria that can hinder the fermentation process.

Check for consistency

Cover the container with a lid or a cloth to maintain warmth and prevent contamination. This also keeps out dust and bacteria that can hinder the fermentation process.