5 Simple Steps To Make Overnight Chia Pudding

By Risha Ganguly

Chia seeds are one of the most popular super foods being consumed nowadays. Let us see a step by step recipe to make overnight chia pudding.

Step 1

Take 3 tablespoons of chia seeds and put them inside a jar that is big enough for you to add the other ingredients like yogurt and fruits.

Step 2

Add milk, honey and a few drops vanilla essence to the chia seeds. Mix well and refrigerate for 7-8 hours.

Step 3

Take out the jar from the fridge in the morning and give it a good stir. Add yogurt on top of the pudding.

Step 4

Add dry fruits, berries, nuts and freshly cut seasonal fruits of your choice as toppings. 

Step 5

Add a tea spoon of dry chia seeds to finally complete the pudding. Have it chilled and start your morning with this healthy and filling breakfast bowl.