Step-By-Step Guide To Make South Indian Sweet Appam

By Krati Purwar

August 27, 2024

South Indian appams are small delights that satisfy your hunger without being heavy on your stomach. You can make them savoury or sweet. Here is a small guide on sweet appam which you can also offer as prasad to God.


2 tbsp rice flour 1 medium banana ⅛ tsp soda 2 grated coconut ½ cup water ½ tsp cardamom powder ¼ cup grated jaggery 3-4 tbsp ghee

Step 1

Pour hot water into jaggery to initiate the melting process and keep it aside.

Step 2

In a bowl, mash the banana and combine it with coconut, rice, flour, and soda.

Step 3

Add cardamom powder, melted jaggery, and extra water to prepare a thick concoction.

Step 4

Keep the batter aside for a short while before pouring it into an appam pan.

Step 5

Grease each cavity in an appam pan with ghee so that the batter does not stick. Pour the batter.

Step 6

Flip appams in the cavity to cook on the other side and serve once they are brown.