
Spicy Guava Chilli Drink Recipe For A Summery Weekend

By Ranita Ray

PC: Friendskitchen@YouTube

ripe guava fruits on a vintage metal plate and knife

An exotic guava chilli beverage is just the thing for a hot summer day. When combined with the spiciness of green chilli, red chilli powder, black salt, and lemon juice, this seasonal fruit produces a flavour that lingers on the tongue. Make a refreshingly hot drink with this simple guava-chilli recipe.

green fruit on white ceramic plate


2 ripe guava (medium size) 1 slitted green chilli 3 to 4 tbsp lime juice 1/2 cup sugar 1 tsp pink salt 1 tsp red chilli powder 1/2 tsp black pepper powder ½ to 1 tsp roasted cumin powder 20 mint leaves, pureed 3-4 cups chilled water Ice cubes

a glass of apple cider next to a green apple

Step 1

Boil a cup of water. Chop the guava into tiny pieces and add it to the boiling water. Cook for 5–7 minutes until pieces are tender. To cool, put it aside.


Step 2

After cooling everything, place the guavas in a blender and purée them until they are completely smooth.

white and pink floral cooking pot on stove

Step 3

Prepare a simple syrup by boiling the sugar in a quarter cup of water for three to four minutes. To cool, set aside.

Red and Green chilli pepper sliced length-ways on wooden dark board.

Step 4

Boil 1/4 cup water and cook the slit chilli for 3-4 minutes. Let the water sit for a while for the heat to permeate it.


Step 5

Combine the guava puree, sugar syrup, chilli water, and the remaining ingredients in a large jug.

ice cubes inside clear glass pitcher

Step 6

Stir in the ice cubes and cold water. Try it out and tweak the sweetness and flavourings as necessary. 


Step 6

Dip the glasses in lemon juice and then in a dish of red chilli powder to coat the edges. To serve, just pour the cooled spicy guava drink into glasses.

Pile of fresh and juicy pink guavas at the local market in Taipei