Spice Things Up With Gujarati Athela Marcha

By Shireen Jamooji

If you love chillies and you love pickle, Gujarati Athela Marcha will be your new best friend. Quick to make and easy to store, it’s the best dinnertime companion.


Ingredients: 250 gms green chillies 1 tsp turmeric powder 1 ½ tsp sea salt 1 lemon Oil

Step 1

Slice the chillies into quarters lengthwise and pat dry. Cut thin lemon slices and quarter them too.

Step 2

Combine the mustard seeds, salt, and turmeric in a medium bowl and pour hot oil over the mixture.

Step 3

Stir the chillies and lemons into the mustard mixture.

Step 4

Seal in an airtight jar and store till needed.