Spanish Coffee Is The Perfect Boozy Caffeine Boost

By Shireen Jamooji

Coffee + Alcohol = Magic! If you're looking for an energy packed pick-me-up, this coffee cocktail has everything going for it.


90 ml coffee 60 ml ounces Kahlua 15 ml orange liqueur 15 ml rum Granulated sugar, for dipping the glass Lemon wedge Whipped cream Grated Chocolate Ground nutmeg

Step 1

Prepare your coffee as per your liking and then leave it to cool slightly.

Step 2

Wet the rim of the glass with lemon and press it into the granulated sugar.

Step 3

Add the coffee, Kahlua, orange liqueur and rum into the glass and stir together.

Step 4

Place a dollop of whipped cream on top and sprinkle on the chocolate and nutmeg.