Simple Serradura Parfait For A Quick Sweet Treat

By Devi Poojari

This instant parfait inspired by the Goan specialty is the perfect dessert you can make at a moment’s notice and is every bit delicious in each bite.


½ cup whipping cream 2-3 tablespoons condensed milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 6-7 digestive biscuits ¼ cup roasted cashews Dark chocolate, for garnish


Whisk the cream until it becomes airy and soft.


Add the condensed milk and vanilla extract and fold in with a spatula.


Crush the biscuits and cashews into a coarse dust.


Layer a glass of your choice in alternates with the biscuit-cashew mixture and whipped cream, until it is full.


Grate some dark chocolate on top and chill for 15 minutes before eating.