Simple Ideas For Adding Egg Whites To Your Meals

By Tarishi Shrivastava

August 27, 2024

Egg white as an individual ingredient is often kept aside because of its taste and lack of ideas on how to add it to your meal. Here are a few recipes to make this worry go away. Read on and know how to add edd whites to your meals:


Waffles are loved by everyone and adding whipped egg white makes the mixture even more lighter. Just serve it with maple syrup or chocolate hazelnut spread. 

Salt Crusted Fish

Try something new with egg white and fish. Using egg whites here allows the dry ingredients to stick together, in this case, the salt and contributes to even distribution within the mixture.   

Royal Icing 

This icing is a great way to use excess egg whites. Royal icing has the advantage of being easy to make, along with the fact that it quickly hardens when it comes into contact with air. 


Use egg whites to brush the bottom of a pie crust to keep fruit from soaking into the crust. This technique plays a role in the classic meringue, which finds a place in a delicious pie.


The egg white omelette is airy like a cloud. It is perfect as you can add flavours and ingredients as per your taste making it more healthy.


Egg whites can bring airiness and sponginess to a cake. This lightly golden genoise can be served cubed or sliced, coated with fruit coulis or chocolate.