Schezwan Fried Rice, Indo-Chinese Dinner Special

By Nikita Toppo

Schezwan fried rice is a zesty, hearty vegetarian stir-fry dish that features a bold and spicy homemade schezwan sauce.


1 cup basmati rice, 1/4 cup oil, 1/4 cup carrots, 1/4 cup beans, 2 tbsp spring onions, 4 red chillies, 1/4 cup schezwan sauce, salt, 3/4 tbsp white pepper powder, 3/4 tsp aromatic powder, 3/4 tsp star anise powder, 1/2 tsp light soya sauce, 1/2 tsp vinegar

Step 1

Heat the oil and add dry red chilies, carrots, beans and fry to 70 percent on high flame. Add schezwan sauce and fry further.

Step 2

Add salt, white pepper powder, aromatic powder, star anise powder and mix well. Add the fluffy rice and toss on a high flame.

Step 3

Now add light soya sauce and vinegar and toss well on a high flame. Sprinkle sugar and chopped spring onions, toss well and serve hot.