Save Undercooked Cake With 5 Easy Hacks

By Aishwarya Sahasrabudhe

July 24, 2023

Undercooked cake can mean many things from a moist centre to raw batter at the bottom of the baking tin. There can be many reasons for under-baked cake from low temperature to a much too runny batter. Read on for some easy fixes to repair an undercooked cake.

Put Cake Back In The Oven

The simplest hack to fix a cake that feels undercooked after a toothpick test is to pop it back in the oven for a few minutes at a slightly lowered temperature for a thorough bake.

Cover With Foil

If the middle of the cake feels particularly undercooked , cover it with foil and put it back in the oven for 10-15 minutes so that it cooks from the inside without browning on the outside.

Check The Heat

If the cake looks cooked from the outside but feels soggy in the middle, it means the heat is too high. Lower the temperature of the oven so that the cake cooks all the way through.

Cut The Undercooked Parts

Sometimes, improper placement of the baking tin can lead to an uneven bake. Simply cut out the uncooked parts and serve the cooked slices to enjoy soft, perfectly baked slices.

Microwave The Cake

A slightly undercooked, cooled cake can be fixed by simply microwaving it for a few minutes. The heat from the microwave will seep inside, working on the slightly moist bits for a perfect cook.