Save Your Money, Make Creamy Greek Yoghurt At Home

By Shireen Jamooji

Greek yoghurt is a creamy and nutritious delight but it can be a little expensive to buy regularly. Luckily, it’s pretty easy to make at home. With a few simple steps, you can enjoy the tangy goodness of this Mediterranean staple right in your kitchen.

Step 1

Start by heating milk to 82°C and then allow it to cool to 43°C.

Step 2

Stir in a tablespoon of yoghurt with active cultures into the warm milk.

Step 3

Cover the mixture with a clean towel and let it sit undisturbed in a warm place for 6-8 hours.

Step 4

Once it thickens, refrigerate the yoghurt for at least 3 hours to cool and set further.

Step 5

Line a colander with cheesecloth and place it over a bowl. Pour the yoghurt into the colander and let it strain for 2-4 hours.

Step 6

Transfer the strained yoghurt into a container, your homemade Greek yoghurt is now ready to be enjoyed.