Rotten Cucumber- Tips To Extend Its Shelf Life

By Aanchal Mathur

Call it a fruit or vegetable, cucumber contains 96 percent water, meaning, it is perfect as an antidote to dehydration, inflammation and much more.  Here’s how you can extend the shelf life of the cucumbers you bought recently. 

Clean and dry properly

As soon as you bring the cucumber home, rinse them well and dry them thoroughly. Cleaning cucumber washes away the bacteria stuck to the outer layer. But be sure to wipe and air-dry properly after. 

Keep away from moisture

Moisture speeds up the process of decaying. Therefore, it is important to store cucumber in dry, ventilated part of the refrigerator. 

Wrap in paper towel

Moisture decays cucumber faster. Hence, it is suggested to store it in a paper towel to soak up excess moisture that may accumulate over time.

Wrap in plastic bag

Don't have paper towel at home? Fret not, you can store cucumber in a perforated plastic bag that helps lock the moisture and prevent the fruit/vegetable from wilting.

Store away from other fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables like bananas, tomatoes etc., produce ethylene gas which accelerates the ripening process, leaving a mushy spot on the cucumber.