Replace Expensive Tomatoes With These 5 Ingredients In Dal

By Risha Ganguly

July 17, 2023

We all know that the prices of tomatoes has reached sky-high levels. But that should not stop us from having our favourite dishes. Here are 5 ingredients that would spice up your dal, without adding tomatoes.


Grate or mince fresh ginger and add it to the dal while it cooks. Ginger adds a warm, aromatic flavour and a subtle spiciness to the dish.


Finely chopped garlic tadka in jeera and ghee can make the plainest of dal delicious.

Garam Masala

Sprinkle a teaspoon or two of garam masala into the dal right before turning off the gas. It adds a wonderful aroma.

Onion And Red Chilli 

This very simple tadka involves dried ed chilli, thinly sliced onions and ghee. Add it to your dal and enjoy.

Dhaniya Patti

The easiest way to instantly give your dal a facelift is to add chopped dhaniya leaves to it!