Red To Yellow: 6 Fruits And Vegetables  That Add Colours To Your Plate!

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

September 6th, 2023

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Natural dyes are the new sustainable food solution. Vegetables and fruits are great sources of a lot of basic colors. Here are 6 fruits and vegetables that make different colors!

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Cherries and raspberries help form this loud and classy color.

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Surprisingly, the fruit that makes it isn't yellow. Pomegranate peels are used to extract the color yellow.

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Blueberries, as you may have guessed, are the source of this peaceful color.

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Blackberries help make this classy night shade.

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Paprika and red onion skins are the source for this tangy color.

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Beetroots, even when touched for long, turn our hands reddish pink. Such is their dedication to making this pretty color.

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