Real Vs. Fake Turmeric: How To Tell The Difference

By Tarishi Shrivastava

September 26, 2024

Turmeric is a spice with a beautiful colour and many health benefits but often adulterated with synthetic dyes or other substances. Knowing how to spot the real from the fake ensures you get the full flavour and benefits.

Bright Yellow-Orange Colour

Real turmeric has a deep yellow to orange colour. If the turmeric appears different from this colour, it has artificial coloring agents or filler materials. 

Strong Earthy Aroma

Real turmeric has an earthy and slightly bitter smell. Fake turmeric lacks this strong aroma or smells too synthetic.

Slightly Bitter Taste

When you taste real turmeric it has a mild bitter and peppery flavour. Fake turmeric tastes bland, chalky or artificially sweet.

Water Test

Mix a pinch of turmeric in water. Real turmeric will not dissolve immediately and will settle at the bottom, fake turmeric will dissolve or spread quickly if it has added chemicals.

Stain Test

Rub a pinch of turmeric between your fingers. If it leaves a light yellow stain on your skin, it is real. If the stain is too dark or does not stain at all, it is fake.


Real turmeric has small grains, fake has no grains.