Ramadan 2023: Top 9 Suhoor Meal Ideas

By Ranita Ray

In Ramadan, suhoor is the pre-dawn meal before the fast. This meal provides fluids during fasting. Slow-absorbing carbohydrates can fuel the body. Suhoor makes the fasting process more doable.  Here are 9 suhoor foods suggestion to help in fasting during Ramadan.


Suhoor smoothies with protein and fresh fruit are fantastic. It has liquids and solid foods. Blend berries, ripe bananas, Greek yoghurt, milk, natural peanut butter, and vanilla extract in a high-speed blender.


In suhoor, eat a lot of fruits. Choose water-rich fruits, including grapes, watermelon, bananas, apples, strawberries, and berries.


Make peanut butter or caramel sandwiches with brown bread. Use cucumber, eggs, tomatoes, and onions between two slices of bread.

Dates Halwa

 Date halwa works great for Suhoor. For Ramadan suhoor, make a date halwa with bananas, ghee, and healthful dry fruits like almonds, pistachios, cashew nuts, and figs.

Chicken Kebabs

Suhoor should include a variety of chicken kebabs. Make kebabs that aren't excessively rich or spicy. It may cause indigestion and burning.

Egg Salad

Stay energised with an egg salad. Hard-boiled or scrambled eggs work well. Mix in your preferred seasonings, sauce, and vegetables with some eggs.

Sauteed Veggies

You can have sauteed vegetables for suhoor, even if iftar is better. They're high in fibre and vitamins. Use carrots, broccoli, peas, French beans, asparagus, and cauliflower.


Soup is easy to digest and hydrates before fasting. Use meat broth, lentils, beans, and starchy foods like pasta or grains in your soup.


Oats are dense in fibre, slow to digest, and provide carbs to fuel your day. For a healthy suhoor, top it with fruit and nuts.