Ramadan 2023 - Date Recipes You Must Try

By Risha Ganguly

Dates are an instant source of energy and there are very few items that are better than dates when it comes to Ramadan. So, here are a few dates recipes that you can try during Ramadan.

Dates Laddoo

This dates laddoo gives you instant energy and helps you breeze through the day.

Dates Cake

A very healthy dessert, dates cake is delicious and is a one stop answer to your sweet cravings.

Dates Shake

Thick, creamy dates shake is actually a meal in a glass. It is filing and healthy.

Dates Halwa

If you want to ditch the cake and go Desi, then make this delicious dates halwa with jaggery.

Dates Smoothie

A bowl of yummy dates smoothie, with your choice of fruits, can keep you energized for very long.