Quinoa To Sauté: Pronunciation Of 10 Commonly Used Foods And Culinary Term

By Risha Ganguly

September 9, 2023

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Ever felt conscious before going to a high end diner and ordering? Well, English is just a language, but it does not hurt to know how to pronounce some common foods and culinary terms. Here are 10 of them.

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Sauté (sah-TAY) your ingredients in a hot pan for quick and flavorful cooking.

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Bruschetta (broo-SKET-tuh) is an Italian open toast kind of dish, usually enjoyed as a starter.

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Gnocchi (NYOH-kee) are soft Italian dumplings made from potatoes.

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Quinoa (KEEN-wah) is a versatile and protein-rich grain-like seed made into upma, khichdi, pulao.

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Béchamel (BAY-shuh-mel) is a creamy French white sauce used as a base for many dishes.

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Ceviche (suh-VEE-chay) is a Latin American seafood dish with a refreshing taste.

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Pho (fuh) is a beloved Vietnamese noodle soup, often garnished with fresh herbs.

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Mirepoix (mihr-PWAH) is a classic combination of diced onions, carrots, and celery used as a flavour base in many culinary preparations.

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Al Dente 

Al Dente (ahl DEN-tay) is an Italian term used to describe pasta or other grains cooked to be firm to the bite, neither undercooked nor overcooked.

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Açai (ah-sigh-EE) berries are nutritious and commonly used in smoothie bowls.

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