Quick Bloating Fix: 6 Must-Have Post-Meal Digestives   

By Deepali Verma

September 14, 2023

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From aromatic spices to soothing herbs, these post-meal digestives can help alleviate discomfort and promote overall well-being. 

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Fennel Seeds 

Fennel seeds are known for their digestive properties and pleasant flavor. Chew them after meals to alleviate bloating and aid digestion. 

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Cumin seeds help soothe indigestion and reduce flatulence. Incorporate them into your dishes for their aromatic and digestive benefits. 

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Carom Seeds 

Ajwain seeds are potent digestive aids, known for their ability to alleviate gas and bloating. Consume a small quantity post-meal for relief. 

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Ginger aids digestion by promoting the movement of food through the stomach. A post-meal ginger infusion or chew can prevent discomfort. 

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Mint Leaves 

Mint's menthol relaxes digestive muscles, reducing cramps and bloating. Enjoy mint leaves post-meal or as a refreshing tea. 

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Cardamom Pods 

Cardamom not only freshens breath but also promotes digestive enzyme secretion. Chewing on a pod can ease post-meal discomfort. 

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