Quick And Healthy Snacks For Fussy Kids

By Aanchal Mathur

A quick guide for all the parents struggling to feed their children healthy foods! Here are some healthy yet tasty and quick snacks you can make in no time.  

Spongy Dhokla

Spongy, light and juicy, dhokla is a popular snack that even kids love. Besan mixed with flavouring ingredients and steamed to perfection is a  perfect snack. 

Chana Patty Burger

This healthy burger made with ground chickpea patty and stuff it in whole wheat buns is a hit every single time with kids. Just remember to soak the chickpeas in advance.

Oats Idli

Infuse the magic of oats in soft and yummy idlis. Ground oats mixed with curd to make batter, steam to make healthy idlis in no time. 

Oats Cutlet

Best way to bring together the goodness of oats with yummy cutlets. Serve it with a tantalising chutney or sauce, and you'll see the kids jumping with joy.  

Baked Potatoes

Move over French fries and make these baked potatoes with the goodness of corn, tomatoes, peas  and paneer.