7 Tips To Add More Protein And Power Up Your Diet!

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

August 31, 2023

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Protein is a crucial part of eating healthy. Alongside being a requisite nutrient, protein also affects muscle growth and aids in weight loss. Here are 7 ways you can add more protein to your diet!

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Nuts are a great way to sneak protein into your diet. Keep a few handy, like almonds, cashews and walnuts and munch on them when bored. You can also add them as toppings to your cereals.

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They are the best plant-based protein sources. White beans, lentils, kidney beans, or black beans can be added to meals like salads, soups, or even pastas.

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Try replacing rice or pasta with quinoa. It is considered a complete protein because it contains all the essential amino acids we need. You can add it to soups, salads, or even muffins and pancakes for extra nutritional value

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Ancient Grains

If not for quinoa, you can add a twist to your routine by experimenting with few ancient grains, such as teff, spelt, and amaranth, which are surprisingly packed with protein.

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Hard Boiled Eggs

Eggs are a great source of protein and are quick to grab. Having the eggs already cooked will make it easy to grab for a snack or an easy protein to add on top of a salad or to a meal.

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Snack on two tablespoons of natural peanut butter with a banana or celery sticks. Or you can also grab a low sugar, protein bar.

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Peas help you to make peace with your daily protein intake. They can easily be thrown into soups, salads, and main dishes.

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