Pretty Edible Flower Butter For The Summer

By Devi Poojari

One of the most beautiful details to set up your summer table, the butter acts almost like a canvas for the myriad of colourful edible flowers and herbs.


250 grams soft butter ¼ cup mixed edible flowers 1 teaspoon fresh thyme 1 teaspoon fresh rosemary 2-3 tablespoons spring onion greens, julienned Salt and pepper, to taste


Whisk the butter vigorously in a stand mixer until it becomes fluffy and airy.


Smear the butter in an even layer on a cling film wrap and sprinkle some salt and pepper on top.


Stud the butter with edible flowers, herbs and scallion greens in patterns of your choice.


Starting at one end, gently roll over the butter into a tight cylinder and seal the edges of the cling film wrap by twisting into knots.


Allow it to sit in the fridge for 3-4 hours before unwrapping the butter.


Place it on a serving dish of choice and allow it to come to room temperature.


Stud the outer surface with more edible flowers and herbs for decoration and serve with toasted baguette slices or crackers.