Power Of 5: Gear Up For Monday With These Energy-Packed Foods 

By Jasmine Kaur

While most Mondays are known for their blues, you can power up this weekend by including these energy-packed foods in your diet. Add almonds, eggs and more. 


Overnight soaked almonds are known to have many health benefits. Take in the fibre, protein and fats from peeled almonds and charge up for the week. 

Chia Seeds 

Known as super foods, chia seeds are a delightful addition to smoothies and cereal bowls. Along with an extra bout of energy, they also help regulate blood sugar.  


A staple breakfast in many households, eggs provide you with protein and are filling too. Be it an omlette or scrambled eggs, you can make your pick and enjoy.


Don’t underestimate the power of this soft and sweet fruit. Load up on carbs, fibre and energy with two bananas before a workout. They are great filling fruits too. 


Make oats chilla or oatmeal for breakfast and you’ll be high on energy throughout the day. Since complex carbs break down slowly, you will feel full for long.