Potato To Peas: Avoid Overeating These Vegetables 

By Deepali Verma 

While there are many positive outcomes associated with increasing your intake of vegetables, it's important to remember that excess can be harmful. Here are some vegetables that can be harmful in large quantities. 


Though they taste great, potatoes have a high carbohydrate content that can lead to weight gain and elevated blood sugar if consumed in excess. 


Due to its high fibre content, eggplant may induce digestive difficulties including bloating and gas, especially if eaten in excessive quantities or when raw. 


Spinach is a superfood, but eating too much of it can cause kidney stones due to its high oxalic acid content and its ability to block the body's absorption of calcium. 

Green peas 

Overeating peas might cause health issues. Rising vitamin K levels may cause the body to lose calcium and produce too much uric acid. 

Due to their high fibre content, consuming Broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower can cause gas and bloating. Avoid digestive issues by eating them in moderation.

Cruciferous Vegetables