Potato To Oats, 10 Protein-Packed Foods For Weight Loss Diets

By Shreya Goswami

Protein is an essential nutrient for your weight loss journey as it helps build muscles, suppress cravings and boost immunity. Here are some protein-rich foods you should add to your diet.


100 grams of yoghurt is packed with nearly 10 grams of protein. Yoghurt is also a calcium-packed probiotic.


100 grams of cauliflower packs a punch of 1.9 grams protein, and so does its close cousin, broccoli.


100 grams of salmon is loaded with 22 grams of very high-quality proteins. Other fish varieties are also protein rich.


100 grams of potatoes are packed with over 2 grams of protein, but make sure these are simply cooked, not fried.


100 grams of cabbage has 1.3 grams of protein. It also has plenty of dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals.


100 grams of whole eggs contain 13 grams of protein, so eat both the yolks and the white for protein benefits.


100 grams of oats contain nearly 13 grams of protein, making it a great source for vegetarians and vegans.

Chicken Breast

100 grams of chicken breast is loaded with 31 grams of high-quality protein, but chicken legs are quite fatty.


100 grams of legumes are packed with 5 grams of protein, but the amount may vary based on the type you eat.


100 grams of nuts, including walnuts, cashews and almonds, contain 20 grams of protein.