Poppy Seeds: 6 Incredible Benefits Of Khus Khus

By Nikita Toppo

August 29, 2023

Image Credit: Freepik

Obtained from poppy plants, poppy seeds are staple in Indian kitchens. Being rich in dietary fibre and nutrients, they improve overall health. Here are six reasons to include poppy seeds in your diet.

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Improves Digestion

Poppy seeds are a rich source of insoluble fibre and help in strengthening the digestive system.

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Good For The Heart

Poppy seeds reduce cholesterol levels and improve blood circulation which is good for your heart.

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Regulates Blood Pressure

Oleic acid, an essential component in poppy seeds, is known to reduce blood pressure levels.

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Great For Eyes

The zinc and antioxidant content in Poppy seeds help to improve vision and protect against eye diseases.

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Benefits Thyroid

The high zinc content of poppy seeds boosts the thyroid function.

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Boosts Bone Health

Poopy seeds are rich in calcium, copper and zinc which are beneficial for improving bone mineral density.

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