Popcorn To Dark Chocolate: 7 Healthy Snacks For Weight Loss

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

October 19th, 2023

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Snacking means eating smaller portions of food between meals. It helps you stay full and increase your nutrient consumption if eaten right. Opt for snacks with protein, fiber, and healthy fats to help keep you full throughout the day. Here are 7 healthy snacks for weight loss.

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There's always room for popcorn. Air-popped popcorn — not the movie-theater kind doused in butter and salt; delivers filling fiber and less than 100 calories.

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Oats are a nutritious whole grain that provides a good amount of fiber and a high protein content compared with other cereals.

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Protein Smoothie

Easy and convenient way to increase your protein intake, a filling snack for when you need something substantial until your next meal.

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Cheese And Crackers/Fruits

Cheese is a delicious, high protein food that’s filling enough to be a snack on its own. Pairing it with whole-grain crackers or a piece of fruit adds some fiber to your snack.

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Hard Boiled Eggs

Eggs are incredibly filling, thanks to their protein content. Make sure to eat the yolk to get important nutrients like vitamin D and choline.

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Chia Pudding

Chia seeds are tiny nutritional powerhouses loaded with fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and plant-based protein.

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Dark Chocolate And Almonds

Dark chocolate and almonds are a fantastic pair. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants, and almonds are a rich source of healthy fats.

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