Poor Digestion? 10 Healthy Foods To Your Rescue

By Tanisha Salwan

Sept 9, 2023

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Fennel Seeds

As per studies, fennel seeds reduce inflammation in the body and promotes better digestion.

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With an enzyme called papain, papaya helps in better digestion. It can prevent bloating to a great extent.

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Ginger has such properties that can do wonders for better digestion. It also soothes upset tummy.

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With high dietary fiber content, bananas help in improving digestion in the body, as per studies.

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 Oats are rich in soluble fiber that can help in regulating bowel movements. It supports better digestion.

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Yogurt contains probiotics that can prevent indigestion. It can also help in regulating bowel movement.

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Apple is an excellent source of pectin, a soluble fiber. Thus, it can also help in better digestion, as per studies.

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Beetroot helps feed friendly gut bacteria and can promote better digestion.

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Whole Grains

They have high fiber content and thus, can support digestion. Whole grains can also regulate bowel movements.

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Bone Broth

Bone broth is rich in gelatin and amino acids that can reduce inflammation and promote digestion, as per studies.

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